Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Girls, you are beautiful.

Hey girls,

I've got a thought for you.. instead of thinking about your "faults" negatively. Look at them in a more postive light.

Instead of: "I hate my freckles/curves/eyes/hair/etc."
Realize: "My husband is attracted to my freckles/curves/eyes/hair/etc."

Because we are created perfectly in the site of God.. not only does our looks fit who we are and our lifestyle, but it also fits who God's made us for.

Isn't it amazing how intricate God really is? He is our perfect potter, we're just clay in His hand; yet He looks upon us and says: beautiful.

Get Desperate

It's time to get desperate. It's time to get extreme. To DIG IN to our prayer lives and the Word of God. To further our relationship with Jesus. He's not our buddy ol' pal.. He is our bridegroom, take it seriously. If you weren't giving all out for your future spouse they wouldn't take you seriously on wanting to be married.

God's on the move. I've been saying this since the start of 2011, He's making changes; He's pruning His garden. If we don't get desperate then we're going to be spit out (Rev3:16). I dont just mean in our prayer lives either..if you want to be saved then God's going to call you out on it and you have to be serious to take that call.

Noah was a man of God. he built an ark in the middle of the desert because he was serious; if he hadn't been then he would've been drowned out in the judgment along with the very people who picked fun at his desperation.

How serious are we? We need to decide now.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Attitude, to me, is more important than the facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people say and do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes. -Charles Swindoll

This is so true. We are called as discples of Christ to hold onto a thankful heart no matter what is going on in life.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. -1 Thess. 5:16-18 (NKJV)

Start this morning with a thankful heart and continue to let your heart be open to the daily blessings and praise God for them throughout the day! It could change your outlook, and your attitude.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Guy's Perspective -

One of my guy friends wrote this up, emailed it to me and asked what I thought. I called him FLIPPING OUT because I've been waiting for God to use a guy to call girls out on modesty for awhile now!!

So girls read up, because this is something we need to take and listen to seriously.

This is for the girls out there.

I've talked with several girls about clothing - and how it affects a guy's mind. There are two options: a girl understands how what they wear affects guys, or they don't understand. Sounds obvious right? Not really. Because if a girl understands how what they wear affects guys, then they either do one of two things: keep wearing the same type of clothes in order to have guys look at them, or change the type of clothes they wear so that guys don't look at them. Unless a girl truly understands it, then she won't do either.

Now you may be asking why I'm saying this, or if you know why, you're probably thinking it doesn't apply to you. The thing is, a teenage boy's mind(not meaning his spirit - I mean his flesh, lower nature) is CONSTANTLY looking for something related to sex. Once we become born again, we want what God wants. And we'll begin to fight this urge.(If we don't, then we're probably not born again) From my own experience, at first it was terrible. I couldn't control myself almost at all. But then once I became born again, God stepped in and helped. Now I'm to the point where I win most of the battles - however, that doesn't mean there aren't battles, and it definitely doesn't mean the battles aren't TOUGH.

Read the rest at his blog --> Scattered Thoughts. :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


How do you see words? Are they just something used for communication? To get your point across? To express your emotions? I'm sure it's been at least one of these at some point. Something we need to consider is the power in words. We throw them around way too often, when we should be treating everything we say as a promise or a vow.

Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 talks about how we need to fear God and keep our vows; vows aren't something we ought to take lightly. A vow means: to promise something solemnly and seriously; or, a solemn promise to perform an act, or carry out an activity.

When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him. It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it. -Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 (NLT)

An example is prayer.