Monday, June 20, 2011

Giving Up

A friend of mine sent out this quick revelation to me and a few others. I loved it so much I asked him if I could post and he said I could!

Hey guys, so I opened my bible to a random page and it was the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. Ok, we all know the story, Abraham had his son, Isaac, when he was about 100 years old, which was a miracle(since Sarah was about the same age) and etc., it was really awesome. And then God tested Abraham. God also tests us and our faith.

And this was a real doozy, God asked Abraham to kill his own son. I'm sure Abraham loved Isaac more than anything(dunno how he felt about God) and to kill him...that would be the same, actually worse, than say, us killing our best friend. BUT God told him to do it, and so he did it...except God stopped him.

And then after Abraham had submitted to God's will completely, God said "Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”

So you see, when God tells us to do something, it's a choice. Abraham could have said, "No! I refuse to do this!" But he bowed down to God and did what he was told. We also have that choice. The thing is though...if we say no, then too bad for us. We failed God's test. OR we can say yes, and then God will say, "NOW. NOW I know that you follow me."

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