Thursday, June 2, 2011

WHO is Worthy of all My Praise?

How is it that we can put our all into singing:

"I will give You all my worship,
I will give You all my praise..
You alone I long to worship,
You alone are worthy of my praise"

in a moment that we hear it playing on the radio, yet when a commercial comes on we flip to the next station to sing along with a song about some (for us girls) perfect guy or one who just deserted us? Or (for guys) a girl's body? Getting to the bottom of that bottle? Fate? Guitars?? I mean they have a song about anything you could think of these days.

Some would say I'm overreacting, however I don't think so. What is our worship to God after all? A sacrifice. Why is it so? Because it's our time. If we're not giving that time to God then who can we say we're giving it to??

What we speak is powerful; is not to whom we're directing our voice -whether in song or not, even more so? It is our responsibility to come to awareness of just how much power is in our words. After all, all that Abba had to say was "Let there be light" and there was (Genesis 1:3). It's what started everything, and He granted speech to us as well.

Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth;
Keep watch over the door of my lips.

-Psalm 141:3

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