Why do we drag through worship? Don't tell me we don't. We all spend the entire week too busy to read a couple pages of our bible then we get to church and raise our hands through a couple songs, sometimes putting aside our list of things to do.
While God judges the heart and, of course, not saying that worshipping with our hands raised is wrong... there's more to it! 2 Samuel 6:14 tells us that David danced before the Lord with all his might; the Hebrew word for danced here (Karar) means WHIRLED! Oh, to completely release every anxiety and just let loose before our God...
When David's wife pointed out how ridculous he'd been, he was quick to say "... I will be EVEN MORE undignified than this (vs. 22)" meaning if he was hit with the glory of God, he wasn't going to suppress it! There was nothing that could hold him back!
Hallelujah!! Let us not be fearful of who may be watching but dance; let us WHIRL with all our might with our treasured Bridegroom!!
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